
<?xml version="1.0"?>

    <!-- Server representation -->
    <property name="ServerName"                        value="服务器名称"/>        <!-- 无论您希望服务器的名称是什么。Whatever you want the name of the server to be. -->
    <property name="ServerDescription"                value="服务器描述"/>    <!-- 无论您希望服务器描述是什么,都将显示在服务器浏览器中。Whatever you want the server description to be, will be shown in the server browser. -->
    <property name="ServerWebsiteURL"                value=""/>                    <!-- 服务器的网站 URL,将在服务器浏览器中显示为可点击的链接Website URL for the server, will be shown in the serverbrowser as a clickable link -->
    <property name="ServerPassword"                    value="520"/>                    <!-- 进入服务器的密码Password to gain entry to the server -->
    <property name="ServerLoginConfirmationText"    value="" />                    <!-- 如果设置,用户将在加入服务器期间看到该消息,并且必须在继续之前对其进行确认。 要对该窗口进行更复杂的更改,您可以更改 XUi 中的“serverjoinrulesdialog”窗口If set the user will see the message during joining the server and has to confirm it before continuing. For more complex changes to this window you can change the "serverjoinrulesdialog" window in XUi -->
    <property name="Region"                            value="Asia" />    <!-- 此服务器所在的区域。值:NorthAmerica East、NorthAmericaWest、Central America、South America、Europe、Russia、Asia、MiddleEast、Africa、Oceania。  The region this server is in. Values: NorthAmericaEast, NorthAmericaWest, CentralAmerica, SouthAmerica, Europe, Russia, Asia, MiddleEast, Africa, Oceania -->
    <property name="Language"                        value="Chinese" />            <!-- 这里显示的是服务器主要语言Primary language for players on this server. Values: Use any language name that you would users expect to search for. Should be the English name of the language, e.g. not "Deutsch" but "German" -->

    <!-- Networking -->
    <property name="ServerPort"                        value="26900"/>                <!-- 服务器端口Port you want the server to listen on. Keep it in the ranges 26900 to 26905 or 27015 to 27020 if you want PCs on the same LAN to find it as a LAN server. -->
    <property name="ServerVisibility"                value="2"/>                    <!-- 此服务器的可见性:2 =公开,1 =仅向朋友显示Visibility of this server: 2 = public, 1 = only shown to friends, 0 = not listed. As you are never friend of a dedicated server setting this to "1" will only work when the first player connects manually by IP. -->
    <property name="ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols"    value="SteamNetworking"/>    <!-- 不使用的网络协议,不要修改Networking protocols that should not be used. Separated by comma. Possible values: LiteNetLib, SteamNetworking. Dedicated servers should disable SteamNetworking if there is no NAT router in between your users and the server or when port-forwarding is set up correctly -->
    <property name="ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs" value="1024"/>                <!-- 玩家与服务器的数据交互速度,服务器带宽高的填”1300"(这是最高了)带宽不够的填“512~1300”Maximum 最大值(!)如果客户机还没有世界,则在第一次连接时,世界以kiB/s的速度传输给客户机。最大值约为1300 kiB/s,即使设置了更高的值。(!) speed in kiB/s the world is transferred at to a client on first connect if it does not have the world yet. Maximum is about 1300 kiB/s, even if you set a higher value. -->

    <!-- Slots -->
    <property name="ServerMaxPlayerCount"            value="16"/>                    <!-- 玩家数量Maximum Concurrent Players -->
    <property name="ServerReservedSlots"            value="0"/>                    <!-- 预留玩家位置,会减少总在线人数(一般默认0不改)Out of the MaxPlayerCount this many slots can only be used by players with a specific permission level -->
    <property name="ServerReservedSlotsPermission"    value="100"/>                <!-- 指定权限玩家可以进入预留玩家位置,权限分为0,1000,,(一般默认0不改)Required permission level to use reserved slots above -->
    <property name="ServerAdminSlots"                value="2"/>                    <!-- 强制预留多少人,和最大同时在线人数不冲突,即使在线人数满了,有权限的玩家也可以进入游戏(默认)This many admins can still join even if the server has reached MaxPlayerCount -->
    <property name="ServerAdminSlotsPermission"        value="0"/>                    <!-- 可以进入预留位置的权限级别(默认)Required permission level to use the admin slots above -->

    <!-- Admin interfaces -->
    <property name="ControlPanelEnabled"            value="false"/>                <!-- 启用/禁用网页控制(填true,false)Enable/Disable the web control panel -->
    <property name="ControlPanelPort"                value="26910"/>                <!-- 网页端口Port of the control panel webpage -->
    <property name="ControlPanelPassword"            value="1472583690"/>            <!-- 进入网页的密码(自定义,不要中文)Password to gain entry to the control panel -->

    <property name="TelnetEnabled"                    value="false"/>                <!-- Telnet 启用true  禁用false Enable/Disable the telnet -->
    <property name="TelnetPort"                        value="62691"/>                <!-- 端口Port of the telnet server -->
    <property name="TelnetPassword"                    value="1472583690"/>                    <!-- 密码Password to gain entry to telnet interface. If no password is set the server will only listen on the local loopback interface -->
    <property name="TelnetFailedLoginLimit"            value="10"/>                <!-- 10(密码错误次数,次数达到后关闭连接)After this many wrong passwords from a single remote client the client will be blocked from connecting to the Telnet interface -->
    <property name="TelnetFailedLoginsBlocktime"    value="10"/>                <!-- 10(连接超时 秒) How long will the block persist (in seconds) -->

    <property name="TerminalWindowEnabled"            value="true"/>                <!-- 是否在桌面显示后台窗口Show a terminal window for log output / command input (Windows only) -->

    <!-- Folder and file locations -->
    <property name="AdminFileName"                    value="serveradmin.xml"/>    <!-- serveradmin.xml(管理员、白名单、黑名单文件),会跟玩家存档在一块Server admin file name. Path relative to the SaveGameFolder -->
    <property name="UserDataFolder"                value="E:\7DaytoDieServerData\" />     <!-- 指定玩家存档路径,推荐与服务端在同一目录下,例如(E:\手动创建的文件夹\cundang)" ,方便你删档,替换/恢复存档,预制件管理Use this to override where the server stores all generated data, including RWG generated worlds. Do not forget to uncomment the entry! -->
    <property name="SaveGameFolder"                value="E:\7DaytoDieServerData\" />     <!-- 指定服务器地图文件路径,例如(E:\手动创建的文件夹\ditu)Use this to only override the save game path. Do not forget to uncomment the entry! -->

    <!-- Other technical settings -->
    <property name="EACEnabled"                        value="false"/>                <!-- false(关闭EAC)启用true Enables/Disables EasyAntiCheat -->
    <property name="HideCommandExecutionLog"        value="2"/>                    <!-- 隐藏命令执行的日志记录。0=显示所有内容,1=只对Telnet/ControlPanel隐藏,2=还对远程游戏客户端隐藏,3=隐藏所有内容Hide logging of command execution. 0 = show everything, 1 = hide only from Telnet/ControlPanel, 2 = also hide from remote game clients, 3 = hide everything -->
    <property name="MaxUncoveredMapChunksPerPlayer"    value="131072"/>            <!-- 每个玩家在游戏地图上可以看到多少块(看到得越多越卡,也不能一点都没有)Override how many chunks can be uncovered on the ingame map by each player. Resulting max map file size limit per player is (x * 512 Bytes), uncovered area is (x * 256 m²). Default 131072 means max 32 km² can be uncovered at any time -->
    <property name="PersistentPlayerProfiles"        value="false" />            <!-- 是否支持玩家自定义人物外观。如果禁用,玩家可以加入任何选定的配置文件。如果为true,则将使用上次加入的配置文件加入If disabled a player can join with any selected profile. If true they will join with the last profile they joined with -->

    <!-- GAMEPLAY -->

    <!-- World -->
    <property name="GameWorld"                        value="RWG"/>            <!-- RWG (随机地图)、 Navezgane(固定地图)(不要随便更改,只支持两个模式,不是随机就是固定)"RWG" (see WorldGenSeed and WorldGenSize options below) or any already existing world name in the Worlds folder (currently shipping with e.g. "Navezgane", "PREGEN01", ...) -->
    <property name="WorldGenSeed"                    value="1"/>                <!-- 生成不同地图的规则 如果RWG,这就是新世界一代的种子。如果具有结果名称的世界已经存在,则只需加载它If RWG this is the seed for the generation of the new world. If a world with the resulting name already exists it will simply load it -->
    <property name="WorldGenSize"                    value="8192"/>                <!-- 4096.8192.16348(三种大小的地图,16K的地图对大多数玩家都是一个挑战,8K图是主流,想人多就选8K,随机图生成看服务器性能了,固定图的话秒生成)如果RWG,则控制所创建世界的宽度和高度。它还与WorldGenSeed结合使用,以创建内部RWG种子,从而即使使用相同的WorldGenSee,也可以创建唯一的地图名称。在2048和16384之间必须是2048的倍数,尽管生成/下载/加载大型地图需要很长时间If RWG this controls the width and height of the created world. It is also used in combination with WorldGenSeed to create the internal RWG seed thus also creating a unique map name even if using the same WorldGenSeed. Has to be a multiple of 2048 between 2048 and 16384, though large map sizes will take long to generate / download / load -->
    <property name="GameName"                        value="22111404"/>            <!-- 地图名(随便写),如果你有现成的地图文件,在这里写下文件夹名字,服务器就会加载到了Whatever you want the game name to be. This affects the save game name as well as the seed used when placing decoration (trees etc) in the world. It does not control the generic layout of the world if creating an RWG world -->
    <property name="GameMode"                        value="GameModeSurvival"/>    <!-- 游戏生成模式GameModeSurvival -->

    <!-- Difficulty -->
    <property name="GameDifficulty"                    value="4"/>                    <!-- 游戏难度0到5。0 - 5, 0=easiest, 5=hardest -->
    <property name="BlockDamagePlayer"                value="100" />                <!-- 玩家的方块伤害How much damage do players to blocks (percentage in whole numbers) -->
    <property name="BlockDamageAI"                    value="25" />                <!-- 丧尸的方块伤害How much damage do AIs to blocks (percentage in whole numbers) -->
    <property name="BlockDamageAIBM"                value="10" />                <!-- 丧尸血月时候的方块伤害How much damage do AIs during blood moons to blocks (percentage in whole numbers) -->
    <property name="XPMultiplier"                    value="100" />                <!-- 经验倍率XP gain multiplier (percentage in whole numbers) -->
    <property name="PlayerSafeZoneLevel"            value="5" />                <!-- 如果玩家低于或等于这个等级,他将创造一个安全地带If a player is less or equal this level he will create a safe zone (no enemies) when spawned -->
    <property name="PlayerSafeZoneHours"            value="5" />                <!-- 世界时日安全区存在Hours in world time this safe zone exists -->

    <!--  -->
    <property name="BuildCreate"                    value="false" />            <!-- 创造模式:开启:true、关闭:false,cheat mode on/off -->
    <property name="DayNightLength"                    value="48" />                <!-- 现实多少分钟时间为游戏里一天real time minutes per in game day: 60 minutes -->
    <property name="DayLightLength"                    value="18" />                <!-- 24小时制,白天占去18小时,剩下6小时为黑天in game hours the sun shines per day: 18 hours day light per in game day -->
    <property name="DropOnDeath"                    value="0" />                <!-- 死亡掉落 0 = 掉落一切,1 = 工具带,2 = 背包,3 = 删除所有,4=不掉落0 = nothing, 1 = everything, 2 = toolbelt only, 3 = backpack only, 4 = delete all -->
    <property name="DropOnQuit"                        value="0" />                <!-- 退出掉落 0 = 无,1 = 掉落一切,2 = 工具带,3 = 背包0 = nothing, 1 = everything, 2 = toolbelt only, 3 = backpack only -->
    <property name="BedrollDeadZoneSize"            value="60" />                <!-- 玩家睡袋多少米范围内不会刷新丧尸Size (box "radius", so a box with 2 times the given value for each side's length) of bedroll deadzone, no zombies will spawn inside this area, and any cleared sleeper volumes that touch a bedroll deadzone will not spawn after they've been cleared. -->
    <property name="BedrollExpiryTime"                value="730" />                <!-- 睡袋失效时间,以游戏天数为单位Number of real world days a bedroll stays active after owner was last online -->

    <!-- Performance related -->
    <property name="MaxSpawnedZombies"                value="40" />                <!-- 丧尸数不要超80,因为还有即时刷新丧尸,所以丧尸数不是这个选项能决定全部的This setting covers the entire map. There can only be this many zombies on the entire map at one time. Changing this setting has a huge impact on performance. -->
    <property name="MaxSpawnedAnimals"                value="50" />                <!-- 动物数啊,随意了,只要不是100If your server has a large number of players you can increase this limit to add more wildlife. Animals don't consume as much CPU as zombies. NOTE: That this doesn't cause more animals to spawn arbitrarily: The biome spawning system only spawns a certain number of animals in a given area, but if you have lots of players that are all spread out then you may be hitting the limit and can increase it. -->
    <property name="ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance"    value="8" />                <!-- 6~12最大视距,7.8.9就好了,不然卡Max viewdistance a client may request (6 - 12). High impact on memory usage and performance. -->

    <!-- Zombie settings -->
    <property name="EnemySpawnMode"                    value="true" />                <!-- 启用/禁用敌人生成Enable/Disable enemy spawning -->
    <property name="EnemyDifficulty"                value="0" />                <!-- 狂暴模式 0 = 正常, 1 = 狂暴0 = Normal, 1 = Feral -->
    <property name="ZombieFeralSense"                value="0" />                <!-- 僵尸感知0-3 (Off, Day, Night, All) -->
    <property name="ZombieMove"                        value="0" />                <!-- 白天 0-4 (走, 慢跑, 奔跑, 冲刺, 恶梦)0-4 (walk, jog, run, sprint, nightmare) -->
    <property name="ZombieMoveNight"                value="1" />                <!-- 夜晚 0-4 (走, 慢跑, 奔跑, 冲刺, 恶梦)0-4 (walk, jog, run, sprint, nightmare) -->
    <property name="ZombieFeralMove"                value="3" />                <!-- 凶残 0-4 (走, 慢跑, 奔跑, 冲刺, 恶梦)0-4 (walk, jog, run, sprint, nightmare) -->
    <property name="ZombieBMMove"                    value="4" />                <!-- 血月 0-4 (走, 慢跑, 奔跑, 冲刺, 恶梦)0-4 (walk, jog, run, sprint, nightmare) -->
    <property name="BloodMoonFrequency"                value="7" />                <!-- 几天一次血月,所谓的7天尸潮可以自定义了What frequency (in days) should a blood moon take place. Set to "0" for no blood moons -->
    <property name="BloodMoonRange"                    value="2" />                <!-- 实际血月日可以多少天随机偏离上述设置。 将此设置为0会使血液卫星恰好在血月频率中指定的每个第N天发生How many days can the actual blood moon day randomly deviate from the above setting. Setting this to 0 makes blood moons happen exactly each Nth day as specified in BloodMoonFrequency -->
    <property name="BloodMoonWarning"                value="12" />                <!-- 红色日数在血月日开始的小时数。 将此值设置为-1会使红色永不显示The Hour number that the red day number begins on a blood moon day. Setting this to -1 makes the red never show.  -->
    <property name="BloodMoonEnemyCount"            value="14" />                <!-- 血月的时候,每个玩家对应的丧尸数量This is the number of zombies that can be alive (spawned at the same time) at any time PER PLAYER during a blood moon horde, however, MaxSpawnedZombies overrides this number in multiplayer games. Also note that your game stage sets the max number of zombies PER PARTY. Low game stage values can result in lower number of zombies than the BloodMoonEnemyCount setting. Changing this setting has a huge impact on performance. -->

    <!-- Loot -->
    <property name="LootAbundance"                    value="500" />                <!-- 搜刮倍率percentage in whole numbers -->
    <property name="LootRespawnDays"                value="2" />                <!-- 物资多少天刷新一次days in whole numbers -->
    <property name="AirDropFrequency"                value="120"/>                <!-- 空投时间(小时)How often airdrop occur in game-hours, 0 == never -->
    <property name="AirDropMarker"                    value="true"/>                <!-- 是否在地图标记空投Sets if a marker is added to map/compass for air drops. -->

    <!-- Multiplayer -->
    <property name="PartySharedKillRange"            value="10000"/>                <!-- 经验分享距离The distance you must be within to receive party shared kill xp and quest party kill objective credit. -->
    <property name="PlayerKillingMode"                value="0" />                <!-- 玩家杀戮设置(0 =禁止杀戮,1 =仅杀死盟友,2 =仅杀死陌生人,3 =杀死所有人)Player Killing Settings (0 = No Killing, 1 = Kill Allies Only, 2 = Kill Strangers Only, 3 = Kill Everyone) -->

    <!-- Land claim options -->
    <property name="LandClaimCount"                    value="32"/>                    <!-- 每个玩家最多能有几颗生效的领地石Maximum allowed land claims per player. -->
    <property name="LandClaimSize"                    value="60"/>                <!-- 领地石范围Size in blocks that is protected by a keystone -->
    <property name="LandClaimDeadZone"                value="1"/>                <!-- 禁止敌人放置领地石范围大小 (默认就好)Keystones must be this many blocks apart (unless you are friends with the other player) -->
    <property name="LandClaimExpiryTime"            value="730"/>                    <!-- 离线多少天领地石失效The number of real world days a player can be offline before their claims expire and are no longer protected -->
    <property name="LandClaimDecayMode"                value="0"/>                    <!-- 控制离线玩家如何降落索赔。所有索赔有充分保护的第一个24小时。0=线性,1=指数,2=完全保护,直到权利要求到期Controls how offline players land claims decay. 0=Slow (Linear) , 1=Fast (Exponential), 2=None (Full protection until claim is expired). -->
    <property name="LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier"    value="1"/>                <!-- 当玩家在线时,保护区的硬度会增加多少。0意味着无限(不会受到伤害)。默认值为4倍How much protected claim area block hardness is increased when a player is online. 0 means infinite (no damage will ever be taken). Default is 4x -->
    <property name="LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier"    value="1"/>                <!-- 当玩家离线时,保护区的硬度会增加多少。0意味着无限(不会受到伤害)。默认值为4倍How much protected claim area block hardness is increased when a player is offline. 0 means infinite (no damage will ever be taken). Default is 4x -->
    <property name="LandClaimOfflineDelay"            value="0"/>                    <!-- 玩家退出游戏后土地权硬度变为离线时间The number of minutes after a player logs out that the land claim area hardness transitions from online to offline. Default is 0 -->

    <property name="DynamicMeshEnabled"                value="false"/>                <!-- 是否启用动态网格Is Dynamic Mesh system enabled -->
    <property name="DynamicMeshLandClaimOnly"        value="true"/>                <!-- 动态网格在玩家LCB附近进行Is Dynamic Mesh system only active in player LCB areas -->
    <property name="DynamicMeshLandClaimBuffer"        value="3"/>                    <!-- 动态网格LCB半径Dynamic Mesh LCB chunk radius -->
    <property name="DynamicMeshMaxItemCache"        value="3"/>                    <!-- 多少项可以进行处理值越高使用越多内存How many items can be processed concurrently, higher values use more RAM -->

    <property name="TwitchServerPermission"            value="90"/>                <!-- 需要在服务器使用twitch的级别Required permission level to use twitch integration on the server -->
    <property name="TwitchBloodMoonAllowed"            value="false"/>                <!-- 这里大概讲的丧尸死亡抽搐,建议关闭流畅If the server allows twitch actions during a blood moon. This could cause server lag with extra zombies being spawned during blood moon. -->

    <!-- There are several game settings that you cannot change when starting a new game.
    You can use console commands to change at least some of them ingame.
    setgamepref BedrollDeadZoneSize 30 -->




<!-- 亡灵遗产Mod参数 -->

    <!-- 亡灵遗产支持其他自定义mod特定选项:-->
    <property name="RecipeFilter" value="0"/>
    <!-- RecipeFilter: 配方过滤器
    0 - 显示所有配方
    1 - 显示未知配方,搜索受限于工作站
    2 - 仅显示已知的和工作站相关的配方 -->

    <property name="StarterQuestEnabled" value="true"/>
    <!-- StarterQuestEnabled: 教程任务
    True或False-确定您是否在服务器上首次生成角色时触发教程任务。 -->

    <property name="WanderingHordeFrequency" value="24"/>
    <!-- WanderingHordeFrequency: 游荡尸群-频率时间
    在游戏中多少个小时后会出现一个游荡的尸群。在这个值的基础上,根据刷新条件,可能会添加1到4的额外小时数。最小值:1。 -->

    <property name="WanderingHordeRange" value="4"/>
    <!-- WanderingHordeRange: 游荡尸群-频率RNG范围
    额外的随机小时数添加到游荡尸群频率,以增加间隔时间的随机性。例如,频率时间:5,频率RNG范围:10,那么游荡尸群将在5到15(5+10)小时之间的时间在任何地方生成,如果出现特殊情况(没有玩家活着,等等),+额外小时数。 -->

    <property name="WanderingHordeEnemyCount" value="12"/>
    <!-- WanderingHordeEnemyCount: 游荡尸群-丧尸数量
    每次游荡尸群中丧尸的数量。 最小值:2。 丧尸数量 + 丧尸RHG范围的值不得超过: 64 -->

    <property name="WanderingHordeEnemyRange" value="8"/>
    <!-- WanderingHordeEnemyRange: 游荡尸群-丧尸RHG范围
    这个数值决定了游荡的尸群最多可以生成多少额外的丧尸。例如,丧尸数量:5,丧尸RNG范围:10,那么游荡的尸群将会有5到15(5+10)个之间的丧尸在任何地方生成。总值不得超过64。 -->

    <!-- 亡灵遗产2.6版本增加了两个新选项:-->
    <property name="DeathPenalty" value="1"/>
    <!-- DeathPenalty: 死亡惩罚
    0 - 禁用,没有惩罚
    1 - 新手, 濒死创伤减益(原版)
    2 - 中等, 新手 + 会失去部分动作经验
    3 - 标准, 中等 + 重生时仅有部分生命值、饱食度和口渴值 -->

    <property name="POITierLootScale" value="100"/>
    <!-- POITierLootScale: POI等级搜刮调节
    0%:绿地不会出现钛制品 -->

    <!-- 亡灵遗产Mod参数-结束 -->


文件存放位置取决于服务器配置参数中的operty name="UserDataFolder"后面的目录中,文件名为serveradmin.xml



<user platform="Steam" userid="76561198429247801" name="--SPYomar--" permission_level="0" />
Last modification:March 23, 2023